Very high levels and stats, all Discoveries and crew members, final save point

Start at beginning of game with Vyse & Akira with max money,HP/MP and some items maxed out. Killer save!!!!!
(save made by Patience127)

ALL discoveries, ALL crew, cupil is in final form, Fina needs just one yellow magic then she will have ALL magic.Very near End of game. - (27 Blocks)

The game is 100% complete, but saved before the final boss, since the game won't let you save after the last boss. ALL magic and S-moved learned by ALL characters. Each character has their best weapon and armor. ALL 3 internet dowloads comleted. ALL discoveries made. ALL crew members. Most powerful Cupil form. Plus a whole bunch of other stuff. - (27 Blocks)

Disc 2 vyse lvl 85 aika lvl 8? fina lvl 8?. All discoveries, special moves and crew drachma and gilder don't have all magics the rest do. Fina has very very strong attack. - (27 Blocks)

Disc 2, with all crew members, around 50 dicoveries,all characters around level 45, Delphinus ship at 52,000 HP,In the middle of the vortex just about to enter it. most magic mastered, just need 3 or more levels. - (27 Blocks)

Vyse is in the 80's and the others arent far behind. Cupil is at his last formation, all chams found. For Vyse, Akia, and Durhama I have weapons that no one has heard of or seen. - (27 Blocks)